So it seems that YouTube has created a new section of its website for the 2008 USA elections. Titled "YouChoose '08", the page has videos of 15 presidential candidates.
Candidate No. of videos Average views on YouTube per day
Edwards 20 1,641
Obama 20 359
Clinton 20 2,442
All videos were created by press officials for each individual and uploaded accordingly.All of the candidates' videos show clips of news events and speeches, however, Clinton's shows video of a publicity stunt which seems to be the most popular video. In total the videos were seen:
Clinton, 1.2 million times
Obama, 39,000
Edwards, 328,000.
Does this show any indication in the individuals' popularity?
By utlising YouTube, the press officers for each campaign were able to get their message seen by hundreds of thousands of people for no costs whatsoever.
On Another note, a film makin fun of Al Gore, thought to have been made by an amateur filmmaker, has recently become a incredibly popular. It depicts a fat Al Gore boring an army of penguins about Global Warming, in fact he blames EVERYTHING on the environmental threat. It currently has over half a million views and has been favourited 633 times. Most people believed it was created by an anti-Gore average Joe, however, when the Wall Street Journal tried to located the "29 year old" user, "toutsmith" they found out that the movie wasn't created by an amateur at all, in fact it was created by a Republican public relations firm called DCI (whose clients include oil giant Exxon) as part of a smear campaign.
Well, should we be surprised that the oil companies are behind the smear campaign.
Hahaha! that was funny, though! Isn't using a made-up 29 yr-old YouTube user in a smear campaign just the digital age equivalent of Edward Bernays front committees for tobacco interests, etc?
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